You want to be happy and successful in all areas of life that matter to you, but right now you’re scared it’s not gonna happen. If you’re ready to turn your dreams into a reality, maybe create a business you want, set yourself up with winning productivity and health habits, dedicate time to your relationships and be happier, you just landed on the perfect spot!

“The path to happiness is slow, sneaky and full of setbacks. It’s not the once in a lifetime AHA moment that gets sold in movies or books. I’ll show you how to create healthy habits, become more productive, build stronger, joyful relationships and your self-confidence. All this in your real-life world, even when life is like a rollercoaster.”

Hey! I’m Zuzana Mukumayi,

and I’ve been where you are. I want to be happy and successful in all areas of life that matter to me

…creating my own business, being productive without having a boss, staying focused on my long-term goals, having wonderful romantic relationship and healthy habits like eating better, sleeping or exercising regularly. I want to have all of that, and I believe I deserve it. So do you.

Aiming at all these goals, alongside REAL LIFE happening, can seem overwhelming, unattainable or at times frustrating. Maybe you know what I mean. You feel like you figure out one thing, but find challenge on the other front. Children come. Goals change. Strategies don’t work. Money doesn’t come as fast as you want. Deep down you start to wonder: “Can I really make it?”

I believe that the real change is slow, sneaky and full of setbacks, not the “once in the lifetime, fireworks, aha, enlightenment moments we keep being fed with”. I believe we have to experiment so we learn what works best for us. And that’s okay. I signed up for this quest to be a better human being and I accept it will be a lifetime commitment, with its ups and downs. And that’s what’s fun about it! Are you in it with me?

What’s important is that you and I keep going.

This site is designed to help you in your amazing journey to be HAPPIER and be able to take on even the most difficult days even when life is like a rollercoaster. I share what I learnt on my own journey, I give you real-life tips that actually work, no theory. On this site, you’ll find lots of free resources to get you inspired to go into action that’ll take you closer to your goals.

It’s time to do it. Let’s go and let’s do it!



My clients live happier, more productive lives

Zuzana compelled me to explore my own needs. Something I never “had time” to do before. During sessions with Zuzana we got much deeper than I expected and I finally had a chance to open so many topics with which I was not so sure how to deal with on my own. Our sessions were always pleasant, even when we discussed complicated topics, I felt safe and supported.

Anonymous at the request of the client

Zuzana has great energy and coaches from her own life experience. She sees your situation objectively and realistically. I really appreciated Zuzana´s ability to listen and formulate truths, which I felt inside but did not spell out explicitly. Due to the consultations, I was inspired to regard my challenges with more ease and Zuzana herself inspired me to smile more.


It is good to be accountable for somebody else in order to make things happen faster and achieve more. Also is great to have a plan, so you can be more focused and reduce unnecessary tasks.

Anonymous at the request of the client

How can I support you?

Screw Being Unhappy Podcast

In this podcast I’ll show you how to put one foot in front of the other even when life gives you lemons. You’ll be able to take on even the most difficult days and still feel good while drinking your lemonade. You’ll learn how to create stronger, joyful relationships, the healthy habits you always wanted and feel confident in life.

Work with me 1:1

Do you have big dreams, but are worried you’re not going to achieve them because of time constraints, distractions, overwhelm or stress? Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed and unproductive, craving the direction, accountability and confidence to finally do the things you wanted to do for ages? I’ll help you get there.

Change Your Life in 6 weeks

In just 6 weeks, you’ll learn how to be calmer, more focused and more positive, while experiencing less stress. The exclusive science-based ©Positive Intelligence programme will create a foundation for you to start shifting from positive to negative even in seemingly negative situations.

As Seen On

The Laura Jane Layton Show: Listen to the full podcast episode here

Latest Podcast Episodes

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  • Episode 35: Seek Discomfort and Achieve Your Dreams – even with ADHD, with Abdul Haseeb
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My clients with feet in different countries

My clients – mostly amazing business owners – have feet in different countries. Below is the map of the countries where my current and past clients live.