3 Months. Thrive in All Areas of Your Life.

Get stuff done!

Personalized Coaching with Proven ‘Get Stuff Done’ Blueprint.

Reach your goals with
12-week coaching programme,
using a 5-step plan to get stuff done.

Zuzana Mukumayi, your coach

I’m your coach Zuzana and I’ll be by your side to beat the distraction, overwhelm or frustration so you get unstuck and start moving in the direction of your goal.

A 12-week individual online coaching programme to help you accomplish more than you have in ages and thrive in all areas of your life that matter to you.

I’ll support you in finding personalized tailor-made solutions to create more time and energy making sure you execute the tasks that you committed to…

…let’s get it going!

Price: $595/month

or $1600 if paid in full

You deserve to thrive

You deserve to thrive in all areas of life that matter to you. Business. Relationships. Money. Family. Fun. Community. Creating habits that serve you. 

You know life is too short

You feel that you’re moving too slowly and wish you had seen more progress, especially when it comes to creating your business or your career. Your dreams look blurry and at times almost unattainable, with all that is going on for you right now. 

I see you

You know what you want and yet struggle to find the energy and time.
Procrastination is something you know intimately, yet you have been struggling to say goodbye to this uninvited guest. 

You're in charge

You can learn how to create time and energy, and how to deal with the adversities with grace and the mindset of learning, so you’re constantly going forward.

Here’s how I can help 

By creating a concrete plan, building new habits, embracing new empowering mindset and creating time and energy while having the accountability you’ll accomplish more than you had in ages. 

Get Stuff Done!

A 3 month intensive coaching programme with a 5 step strategic Get Stuff Done blueprint with a coach by your side.

Price: $595/month

or $1600 if paid in full

Why clients love working with me

The GET STUFF DONE Blueprint

Accomplish more than you have in ages with this 3-month one-one-one coaching programme and my exclusive “Get Stuff Done” blueprint. This proven five-step approach will give you the clarity, supporting habits you need to create time and energy so you get stuff done. 

Get stuff done blueprint

Why clients love working with me

So… what exactly are you getting?

Get Stuff Done!

A 3 month intensive coaching programme with a 5 step strategic Get Stuff Done blueprint with a coach by your side.

Weekly 1:1 calls with your coach, Zuzana

These are twelve 45-minute long coaching sessions happening weekly over the course of three months. In these sessions, we’ll dive deep into the 5 steps of the blueprint, designing tailor made solutions that work for your unique situation.

Personalized Action plan

Each session will be probably very different, because our coaching is personalized and suited to your unique needs.

We focus on the topic of your choice, based on the importance and urgency.

Moreover, without action, nothing will change for you. By the end of each session, you’ll have a couple of action points to help you going exactly where you want to go.

Unlimited check-ins

By the end of each coaching session, you’ll have a couple of action points you created and committed to and you can use your unlimited access to me via WhatsApp to check-in with me. You can use the check-ins for getting a quick encouragement, opinion or as an accountability tool.

Circle Sticker
Zuzana Mukumayi, your coach

Hi! I’m Zuzana,

certified coach, trained in giving my clients the support they need.

I’ll be by your side to beat the distraction, overwhelm or frustration so you get unstuck and start moving in the direction of your goal.

Additional information

Weekly digital meetings

We’ll meet online on Google Meet.

Payment options

The initial consultation is free and there is no payment required. The payment comes in once we decide to work together, and it will be due before our first session. You can pay by card or PayPal.


We’ll agree on our preferred way of communicating – with most of my clients I communicate over WhatsApp or email.

Get Stuff Done!

A 3 month intensive coaching programme with a 5 step strategic Get Stuff Done blueprint with a coach by your side.

Price: $595/month

or $1600 if paid in full

Meet Zuzana, Your Coach

Hi! I’m Zuzana Mukumayi, a certified coach. And I’ve been where you are.

Like you, I have dreams and goals I want to achieve. I want to be successful and happy in all areas of life that matter to me.

Having just a great business, relationship or health is not enough. If we want to be truly happy, we need to focus on all that’s important to us: career, business, finance, relationships, health, community…In real life, we get distracted, overwhelmed and frustrated, feeling like finding the time and energy for what matters is mission impossible.

I realized I don’t have to choose where to thrive and what to neglect – we actually deserve it all. Through my own journey, I gained valuable experience, insights and practical ways how to thrive in all areas that matter to me. Now I share this with you – no fluff, just real-life tips that work.

Let’s beat the distractions together, get stuff done while creating time and energy for what matters.

As seen in:


Why clients love working with me

Zuzana Mukumayi your Coach


I’ll help you to get stuff done. This means I can help you with creating a long-term vision, creating goals, planning, prioritizing and making sure you execute your tasks. I can support you in creating new habits that will serve you better: habits in the areas of productivity, health, fitness or mindset.


Don’t worry, we’ll figure that out together during the initial consultation. Based on our conversation, I’ll share what I think is the best fit and what can support you in the best way to get to your goal.

You’ll receive an email confirmation including the option to add the session to your calendar. The invitation will also include a Google Meet link, where we’ll meet at the specified time. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

The ultimate purpose of the session is to determine if we would like to work together beyond the initial consultation, or not. We’ll dig deeper into your current challenge, where you want to be and what are your blockers right now. You can ask me any questions that’ll help you to make your decision if I’m the right coach for you. 

I’m in GMT+2. I have clients in all US time zones, Australian time zones as well as CET or Middle East time zones, which means that we can pretty much always find a time that works for both of us. The great thing is that in my calendar link, you can pick your time zone to select the time conveniently without many calculations.

Please be aware that there is no payment required for the initial consultation at any stage. If we agree to work together further, the payment is done prior to our first session using payment by card or Paypal.

Finding a coach that’s the right match is super important. Take your time to check out my website, watch my videos or listen to the podcast. Have a look at the reviews and what my past clients said about working with me.

The initial consultation will further confirm if we’re a great match, and if not, that’s perfectly fine and you can keep searching for the perfect coach for you.

Each session is different based on what you need. At the beginning of the session, we’ll define the session’s goal together, based on what is most important to you. After that, we’ll have a conversation, I’ll ask you questions so you can find your answers. By the end of the sessions, you’ll have a list of action points or learnings that link back to the original goal of the session we set together.

You don’t get extra points for achieving your goals alone. The important thing is that you get there. Having a coach by your side will help you to stay on track, get there faster and have support in the moments when you don’t believe in yourself.

My role as a coach is to hold your vision for you, remind you why your goals matter and create the possibility. We all have blind spots and having a coach is a perfect way to spot them. Life with a coach is just more optimistic and hopeful.

I’ve been vegetarian for 20+ years, I love reading and eating (not cooking!). I’m a mom to a 3 year old, and spent 10+ years doing humanitarian and development work. I love travelling, my husband says I talk a lot 😊 and I’m super curious. I come from Czechia and live in Zambia. I have my own coach.


Because I believe in the power of coaching. Honestly, I can’t imagine a life without a coach anymore. Having a coach allows me to grow, learn and get new perspectives because even coaches have blind spots (we are human too!). Having a coach just lights up my life.

No worries, I’m here for you. Email me at zuzana@zuzanamukumayi.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM there.