Míša has a Hyper-Achiever Saboteur. The type of Inner Critic that constantly pushes you to achieve results. In business, in relationships, in productivity, in every aspect of your life.
In this coaching session, Míša wants to find a way how to live a more balanced life with less stress. We explore what she has tried before and why she finds it difficult to find more time for herself, even if she knows it helps her to be more in sync with herself and go through days more relaxed.
I coach Míša on how to create this time for herself and we set up concrete action points she commits to so she can achieve her goal of having less stressful days keeping her hyper-achieving tendency at bay.
Does this sound like something you relate to? Get inspired by this real-life coaching, see for yourself how a coaching conversation looks like and grab what resonates to create your own AHA moments which you can turn into action. Pop in those headphones and decide to Screw Being Unhappy starting today.