Meg has been where you might be right now: stuck in an endless cycle of dieting and binding, feeling out of control around food.
Being diagnosed with an eating disorder at the age of 11, Meg has spent years trying to figure out her relationship with food. She shares how everything changed for her when she got introduced to intuitive eating.
We chat about Meg’s story and the basics of emotional eating, eating disorders, as well as if intuitive eating is just “eating when you’re hungry” or if it goes beyond that, including the role of our mindset. Meg shares her own personal story about how her unresolved relationship with food robbed her of many experiences, for example, while travelling, and how uncomfortable it was to constantly think about food: what, when and where you can eat. Finding her own way to recovery brought her this long-sought ease when around food.
Meg points out, that if one is not feeling comfortable around food and is not where she would want to be, it doesn’t matter which label we can put on this eating behaviour, what matter is that you deserve the support. You don’t get extra points to do it alone. We also ponder about habits, because our life is built on habits and they play a huge role when it comes to eating.
We tangent about how food is often used when we want to soothe our negative emotions, but also the positive ones during celebrations. Food has been an important part of lots of cultures for ages, and I was blown away when Meg pointed out in clear words, that it’s normal to overeat sometimes. We also dig deeper into the fact, that when we start listening to our bodies, we actually start craving healthy food.
If you are not comfortable around food, have been stuck in a never-ending cycle of dieting and binding, or “just” want to get new inspiration when it comes to food and habits, pop in those headphones and choose to Screw Being Unhappy, even if it is one tiny step a day!