If you’ve been struggling to see the positive in your life or your current situation, this episode is for you. If you want to get a smile on your face and get inspired, it’s for you too.
Today, I’m chatting with Ally Murphy, a voiceover artist and ex-flight attendant who decided to start sharing the extraordinary true stories of flight attendants and their passengers.
At the beginning of the episode, I surprised Ally by asking her to share one of her stories that influenced where she’s today. Ally shares a very personal story that evolved when her then-fiancé declined a short trip to Vancouver on a flight that Ally was serving as a cabin crew. Ally takes us to the top of the mountain, somewhere near Vancouver, and lets us experience a moment during a lumberjack show that stopped Ally’s world for a second and inevitably led to big changes in her life resulting in the life she lives today.
This story powerfully illustrates that we never know what any given moment, situation or person we meet can lead to. We continue chatting about this willingness to be open to opportunities, or randomness, and creating the mindset of believing that whatever happens can lead to something that will be part of our life’s perfectly written novel.
We dig deeper into why this perspective is more empowering and beneficial, sharing some more personal examples.
If you want to get inspired by a fun, yet inspiring conversation and an intimate story about life’s serendipity, pop in those headphones, listen to this episode and choose to Screw Being Unhappy, even if it is one tiny step a day!