How to get the relationship you truly desire? How to stop yourself from dating and relationship patterns that make you doubt you’ll ever have the relationship you dreamed of? How do you even realize that your current relationship is not giving you what you need and want?
This is what we have chatted about with Dr. Florencia, a licensed psychologist and relationship coach who specializes in helping women break free from unfulfilling dating and relationship patterns.
Being a second-generation from a family of migrants to the UK from Ghana and having not simple upbringing and relationship with her mother, we kick off the conversation with how Florencia’s own experience with unhealthy relationship patterns shaped her interest in psychology and relationship coaching, wanting to share what helped her in her own transformation that completely changed her relationships.
We segway into discussing how hard it can be to become conscious of the patterns, that actually work against us and make us feel not so happy. Florencia celebrates this point of realization because once you realize an unfulfilling or unhealthy pattern, you are finally free to change it.
Changing the patterns that we gained throughout our childhood and interaction with our community is not easy, as well as realizing what we actually, as individual human beings want and need. Florencia shares an amazing exercise you can try yourself if you are not sure what you actually want from a romantic relationship.
We chat about the utmost importance of the community, especially when it comes to challenging moments of your life when you decide to change your patterns and perhaps leave the relationship. Often, we forget about how our friends, family and like-minded people are important for our well-being and confidence.
If you want to get a better experience from dating, healthier and more fulfilling relationships or know yourself better, get out your journal and listen to this conversation full of coaching golden nuggets which will allow you to move ahead in discovering a ton of things about yourself and your relationships, and perhaps do the necessary changes and tweaks, so you get the relationship you truly desire. So, pop in those headphones and choose to Screw Being Unhappy, even if it is one tiny step a day!