Why is judgment important when it comes to feeling good and happy?
All negative emotions stem from Judgment. We judge ourselves, other and the circumstances happening to us at any given moment. And when we feel negative emotions most of the time, we feel unhappy.
So, what to do when we want to feel happy? How to feel good (or at least better!) even on the most awful days?
In this episode, I introduce you to your Judge. Those inner voices that keep criticizing you, others and the situation you’re in. Those voices rob you of your dreams, because they make you believe your fears and you stop pursuing what you really want.
With specific, real examples, I’ll walk you through the ways how our Judge talks to us. It’s brutal. After listening to this episode, you’ll be able to recognize when the Judge shows up and press the alert button.
Here the liberation comes. I’ll show you, that you can actually say NO to Judge’s lies and the negative emotions she’s causing you.
This episode is your first step to the magic of being responsible for feeling good. It’s your gateway to feeling happy and confident even if shit happens and you’re having the most awful day.
So, pop in those headphones, let’s find the lies your Judge is telling you making you feel terrible and let’s decide to Screw Being Unhappy!