Anna has recently ended her long-term intercultural relationship and is navigating this moment of her life, being suddenly on her own.
In this coaching session, we explore how she can start figuring out what she really wants. Anna shares how in the past, she was rather passive in making decisions and often opted for what others expected her to do. Now she is experiencing a completely new feeling, figuring out everything about her life – from her own heart.
I coach Anna on giving herself the time and space, finding her unique voice. I share that it’s okay not to know what to do next right now. We reframe the current situation as an opportunity so Anna can explore things she used to like or create completely new experiences. Towards the end of the session, we talk about how essential is to gift ourselves the loving space to figure out our next steps.
Does this sound like something you relate to? Get inspired by this real-life coaching, see for yourself how a coaching conversation looks like and grab what resonates to create your own AHA moments which you can turn into action. Pop in those headphones and decide to Screw Being Unhappy starting today.