Beauty is healing and it has been scientifically backed that being in the nature boosts your mood, it makes you feel better and you become more optimistic. How to draw from this enormous positive source at our fingertips?
This is what we chat about in this episode with Sarah Coniglio, the social impact photographer, podcaster and creator of the project WonderFULL through which she illuminates as much as kindness and beauty in the world as possible.
Sarah knows from her own experience that beauty heals and she wants you to experience the same, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day in nature. Starting with oneself, this is the journey towards the world, when more and more people feel better creating more positive place to live.
We chat through the fact that beauty is everywhere and you don’t need to travel a thousand miles or visit different continents to access it. It’s literally at your fingertips, and this is why Sarah organizes mindFULL seeing challenges, which help you to focus on the beauty around you.
Sarah says the more you seek beauty, the more you’ll see. This so-called frequency illusion helps to rewire our brains, from focusing on negative to focusing on beauty and feeling better. So why not using this scientifically proved tendency for our benefit?
But what to do when you really feel down and seemingly can’t force yourself out of the couch to go and seek beauty? Sarah shares what works for her: removing the barriers. She prepares all her things at the doorsteps, so the only thing she literally has to do is to put on her shoes and exit the doors. Gradually, doing what is good for you becomes a habit.
We also dug into the role of beauty in the challenging world we live in. Sarah believes that you can’t get angry at beauty and realized that beauty cannot exist without war, so we got to choose which one we can lean into. We can still surround ourselves with beauty even when terrible things are going on in the world, and there is nothing wrong with that, nor we should feel ashamed for it.
So, if you want to feel calmer, more optimistic and grounded in the midst of your life, even if it feels like a rollercoaster, pop in those headphones and choose to Screw Being Unhappy!